



Sibley was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts on April 1, 1782, the son of Dr. 约翰和伊丽莎白·西布里. Due to his father's frequent travelling, early childhood for Sibley was spent living with his Puritan grandfather, 塞缪尔·霍普金斯, 在罗德岛州. 后来, Sibley moved with his mother to Fayetteville, North Carolina where he received his education and apprenticed as a bookkeeper in the counting house of John Winslow.


In 1805, through his correspondence with President Thomas Jefferson, Sibley's father was appointed as an Indian agent for the U.S. government in Natchitoches, Louisiana. George Sibley used his father's acquaintance with President Jefferson to get a position as assistant factor at Fort Bellefontaine at the mouth of the Missouri River near St. 路易斯,密苏里州.

Problems arose in 1807 between Sibley and the factor of Fort Bellefontaine Rudolph Tillier when Sibley questioned Tillier's bookkeeping methods. Disagreements grew between the two to the point that Tillier fired Sibley. To defend himself, Sibley immediately undertook a trip to Washington D.C给出他的观点.


Sibley was cleared of wrongdoing because of his good reputation among friends William Clark and Acting-Governor Frederick Bates. 因此, Sibley was then given the position of factor at 堡奥色治 in western Missouri, 在今天的堪萨斯城附近, 1808年的密苏里.
在奥塞奇堡, Sibley quickly engaged in creating relationships with the neighboring Osage tribes.  In 1811 he led an expedition, known as the 乔治·C. Sibley探险, to improve relations with the Pawnee and Kansa tribes, and also to locate the rumored Jefferson's salt mountain.  Instead, he found it in the Salt Plains in Northwest Oklahoma. He kept several journals of his travels but never published them.

Once the War of 1812 began, Sibley briefly moved back to St. Louis because it was feared that the British would entice the local Native American tribes to attack 堡奥色治. 这, 然而, 持续短暂, because the Osage tribes complained about having to travel the extra distance to St. 路易为他们的贸易货物. 结果是, in 1813, Sibley opened a temporary trading post in Arrow Rock, 在战争期间的密苏里州.

While stationed at 堡奥色治, in 1815, Sibley married 玛丽Easton, the daughter of prominent St. Louis attorney and Missouri's 2nd Attorney General, Rufus Easton. Sibley maintained this post until 1822 when the United States decided to formally end its Indian trade system. By this time most of the Native Americans had been resettled outside of the State of Missouri. After the trading post closed in 1822, George and 玛丽 remained at 堡奥色治, where he served as postmaster until the fort closed in 1825.


大约在这段时间, trade between the United States and the Mexican government in Santa Fe was growing significantly. 因此, Missouri Senator Thomas Hart Benton presented a petition to Congress to fund a survey of the road to Santa Fe.  Congress granted this request, and soon after George Sibley was put in charge of the expedition. 直到现在, travelers between Missouri and Santa Fe periodically were raided by Indians along the way, so in addition to surveying the road, Sibley was required to negotiate treaties for safe passage along the route. The tasks for this assignment lasted between 1825 and 1827.


一旦西布里结束了, 他和他的妻子, 玛丽, 搬到圣查尔斯, Missouri where he had owned land since 1814. 1828到1829年间, the Sibleys lived in town until the property that George owned could be cleared and a residence built. 大约在同一时间, 玛丽’s career as an educator developed into The Linden Wood School for Girls in 1832, 后来被称为澳门威尼斯人平台官网学院, and today known as 澳门威尼斯人平台官网. In 1831, George had built a log cabin on their property specifically for boarding 20 women being taught by his wife.

While 玛丽 stayed busy with the college, George remained active in public life. 1833年,西布利作为辉格党成员参加美国总统大选.S. Congress, but pulled out of the race at the last moment. 从1839年到1840年, Sibley served as President of the Missouri Internal Improvements Board and as a railroad commissioner. And in 1844, he ran for a seat in the Missouri Senate but lost.

Privately, Sibley was very active with the Old School Presbyterian church. It was through this involvement that he became closely acquainted with abolitionist Elijah Lovejoy. Lovejoy, whose in-laws lived in Saint Charles, visited the region often. 1837年有一次, after increasingly irritating area slave owners with his stories in the Alton Observer, 一群愤怒的暴民试图私刑处死洛夫乔伊. 洛夫乔伊逃到了澳门威尼斯人平台官网, where Sibley provided him with a horse so he could get away into Illinois.


After building Lindenwood College’s reputation as a predominant women’s school for its day, the Sibleys decided to retire from education and in 1856 deeded Lindenwood over to the Presbyterian Church. By this stage in his life, George Sibley was considered an invalid. 结果是, he led a quiet life until he died on January 31, 1863. George and 玛丽 Sibley are buried on the campus of 澳门威尼斯人平台官网.